Well, I got out in the late morning, around 10-ish, and took a drive up the 405. On my way, I averted my attention and saw thousands of flags planted next to graves at the veterans cemetery in Westwood. After a quick exit off the freeway I found my self next to a huge veteran memorial event. I parked and prepped my camera and began shooting away at anything that caught my attention. After the finale of the ceremony where canon balls were rumbling the grounds and rifles were bursting in to the air, and the USC marching band, dressed in army uniforms, played a patriotic march, I snapped a quick shot of this aged man who was quietly observing a "photo op" where some got to take pictures with a militia. His wrinkles and his eyes are what caught my attention. Some times I like to think that age marks are merely imprints of wisdom, and yet, at the same time, scars of life's roughness.