Saturday, September 12, 2009

This one if for you Noel

I heard a great aphorism yesterday: "when one grows with someone, be it animal, human, or object, they develop similar physical features solely through emotional attachment. I wish I had the opportunity to shoot his wife or dog or husband too.

Oh and the reason why I wrote my friend Noel into the subject is because he recently noticed that I like to shoot old people. He is right, I do; age is facinating.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Street performers in Rome.

Anti Theft System in Rome.


Trattoria! Mmm

Beautiful Sunlight In Italy

Ah, here is one of my recent favorite photos. On my trip to Italy, when I first arrived, I checked into my hotel then began to explore the town. This is one scene that I found. The sunlight was just way to perfect in this shot. Thank you Italy for creating such a beautiful environment for photographers.

Poor Duck

Some random girl chasing the poor duck.


Here is a photo of two of my cousins flipping upside down in the same lake as the previous photo.

Its been a while.

This photo is of a lake in Rancho Santa Margarita, a town near my new home. I was impressed with myself when I first reviewed it on my computer, but now, as I post it on the web, I feel like I tried to capture too much in a single photograph. Maybe it's the angle that I shot it at, maybe its because the horizon is in the center of the frame, or maybe its the birds I photoshoped in. But I am still posting it despite my feelings. So I figured that the only two reasons why I enjoy looking at this photograph is because of the bright colors contrasting the dim tonal range of such a naturally bright scene.